Reopen Your Business Quickly & Safely with Ok-To-Work
What is Ok-To-Work
Every day, the Ok to Work app generates a form with a set of questions and instructions based on the latest CDC guidelines for your business’s employees and visitors.
Before entering your workplace, your business’s employees and visitors fill out the form, acknowledging that they have answered the questions and followed the instructions listed on the form. Based on their responses, the app automatically lets them know if they are ok to work.
This ensures your business’s employees and visitors only enter your location if they have taken every CDC-recommended precaution. It also provides you, the business owner, with proof that you have made every effort to keep those visiting your business safe and healthy.
Why Should You Get Ok to Work for Your Business?
As a small business owner, you must do your due diligence to protect yourself, your workers, and your businesses from any liability if someone entering your building jeopardizes the health and welfare of others at the workplace.
The Ok to Work app protects small business owners, and gives them:
- A way to ensure their employees and visitors take every CDC-recommended precaution before entering the workplace, every day
- A system that automatically lets their employees and visitors know if they are ok to enter the workplace
- Automatic alerts if an employee or visitor is considered a risk based on the answers they supply
- A detailed record every form submission that is stored and accessible forever
- Proof and peace of mind that they have followed every CDC guideline to keep their employees, visitors, and business healthy and safe
- a safe, practical, and cost-effective strategy for reopening their business that they can implement immediately
You, your employees, and your business’s visitors can quickly and easily access the Ok to Work app anywhere including mobile devices.