The Small Business’s Go-To Return to Work Strategy
Be Prepared
Reopening Means More Than Just Masks
As a small business owner, you need a safe, practical, and cost-effective way to ensure your employees and visitors are following CDC guidelines and can re-enter your business without further spreading COVID-19 and endangering others. And you need it fast. This is why we built Ok-To-Work.
What is Ok-To-Work?
Every day, the Ok-To-Work application generates a form with a set of questions and instructions based on the latest CDC guidelines for your business’s employees and visitors.
Before entering your workplace, your business’s employees and visitors fill out the form, acknowledging that they have answered the questions and followed the instructions listed on the form. Based on their responses, the app automatically lets them know if they are ok to work.
This ensures your business’s employees and visitors only enter your location if they have taken every CDC-recommended precaution. It also provides you, the business owner, with proof that you have made every effort to keep those visiting your business safe and healthy.

On Your Side
Ok-To-Work provides you with:
- A safe, practical, and cost-effective way to reopen your business
- Protection for your employees and visitors
- Proof and peace of mind that you have followed every CDC guideline while reopening
- And much more!

On Your Side
Ok-To-Work Helps Small Business Owners
We give you protection and peace of mind for reopening your business. See the full list of benefits Ok-To-Work can offer you.

Protect Your Visitors
You want people to feel safe in your place of business. That’s why Ok-to-Work is updated daily with the latest CDC and local guidelines for preventing the spread of covid-19. This way, you can ensure your employees, visitors and anyone else entering your business have followed these guidelines and are taking every precaution to keep each other safe.

Protect Your Business
The last thing your business needs when reopening is your staff getting sick, or word to spread that someone got sick at your place of business. Get Ok-To-Work to protect your business and ensure your reopening is a success.
Ready to start protecting yourself, your visitors and your business?